EN 1279 - 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 Glass in Building - Insulating glass units
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EN 1279-1:2004 Glass in Building - Insulating glass units - Part 1: Generalities, dimensional tolerances and rules for the system description
This European Standard is the product standard for insulating glass units, which defines insulating glass units, and ensures by means of the evaluation of conformity to this standard that over time:
- energy savings are made because the U-value and solar factor do not change significantly;
- health is preserved because sound reduction and vision do not change significantly;
- safety is provided because mechanical resistance does not change significantly.
It covers characteristics that are of importance for trade. Marking conditions are included.
NOTE 1: For glass products with electrical wiring or connections for, e.g. alarm or heating purposes, other directives, e.g. Low Voltage Directive, may apply.
The main intended uses of the insulating glass units are installations in windows, doors, curtain walling, roofs and partitions where there exists protection against direct ultraviolet radiation at the edges.
NOTE 2: In cases where there is no protection against direct ultraviolet radiation at the edges, such as structural sealant glazing systems, additional European technical specifications should be followed.
Units that are intended for artistic purposes are excluded from this standard.
This Part of this European standard, which is inextricably bound up with the other Parts of the standard, covers the materials, the rules for the system description, the optical and visual quality and the dimensional tolerances for insulating glass units.
EN 1279-2:2002 Glass in building - Insulating glass units - Part 2: Long term test method and requirements for moisture penetration
This draft European Standard is the product standard fo insulating glass units, which defines insulating glass units, and ensures by means of an adequate evaluation of conformity to this standard that: - energy savings are made because the U-value and solar factor do not change significantly; - health because sound reduction and vision do not change significantly; - safety is provided because mechanical resistance does not change significantly.
EN 1279-3:2002 Glass in building - Insulating glass units - Part 3: Long term test method and requirements for gas leakage rate and for gas concentration tolerances
This European Standard is the product standard for insulating glass units, which defines insulating glass units, and ensures by means of an adequate evaluation of conformity to this standard that:
- energy savings are made because the U-value and solar factor do not change significantly;
- health is preserved because sound reduction and vision do not change significantly;
- safety is provided because mechanical resistance does not change significantly.
It covers additional characteristics that are of importance for trade. Marking conditions are included.
The main intended uses of the insulating glass units are installations in windows, doors, curtain walling, roofs and partitions where there exists protection against direct ultraviolet radiation at the edges.
NOTE In cases where there is no protection against direct ultraviolet radiation at the edges, such as structural sealant glazing systems, additional European technical specifications should be followed. See Bibliography [2] and [3].
This Part of this standard, which is inextricably bound up with the other Parts of the standard, covers:
- the gas leakage rate by testing;
- the gas concentration tolerances;
as one means of verifying whether a product made in accordance with its system description, conforms with the relevant aspects of the definition of insulating glass units.
EN 1279-4:2002 Glass in building - Insulating glass units - Part 4: Methods of test for the physical attributes of edge seals
This part of the standard covers the evaluation of the edge seal strength, and partial evaluation of moisture and gas permeation through sealants, by testing and/or report examination as a means of verifying whether a product made in accordance with its system description, and its variations in accordance with prEN 1279-1 conforms to the relevant aspects of the definition of insulating glass units.
EN 1279-5:2005 Glass in building - Insulating glass units - Part 5: Evaluation of conformity
This document specifies requirements, the evaluation of conformity and the factory production control of insulating glass units for use in buildings.
NOTE 1 For glass products with electrical wiring or connections for e.g. alarm or heating purposes, other directives, e.g. Low Voltage Directive, may apply.
The main intended uses of the insulating glass units are installations in windows, doors, curtain walling, roofs and partitions where there exists protection against direct ultraviolet radiation at the edges.
NOTE 2 In cases where there is no protection against direct ultra-violet radiation at the edges, such as structural sealant glazing systems, additional European technical specifications should be followed (e.g. prEN XXX, prEN 13022-1).
NOTE 3 Units for which the intended use is only ''artistic'' and therefore no essential requirement is required, are not subject to CE marking and are not part of this document.
EN 1279-6:2002 Glass in building - Insulating glass units - Part 6: Factory production control and periodic tests
This draft European Standard is the product standard for insulating glass units, which defines insulating glass units, and ensures by means of an adequate evaluation of conformity to this standard that: - energy savings are made because the U-value and solar factor do not change significantly; - health because sound reduction and vision do not change significantly; - safety is provided because mechanical resistance does not change significantly.
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