Urban Drainage
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Urban Drainage
Authors: David Butler and John W Davies
Publisher: Spon Press, London
Edition: Second
Year: 2004
ISBN 0-203-14969-6 Master e-book ISBN
Format: High Quality Digital PDF (English)
My Note: Those who are interested to work in Urban Drainage Modeling and Management of Urban Storm water and its relevant area, this book could be a good supplement for them.
Authors Note about this book:
In this book, we cover engineering and environmental aspects of the drainage of rainwater and wastewater from areas of human development. We present basic principles and engineering best practice. The principles are essentially universal but, in this book, are mainly illustrated by UK practice. We have also included introductions to current developments and recent research.
The book is primarily intended as a text for students on undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Civil or Environmental Engineering and researchers in related ?elds. We hope engineering aspects are treated with suf?cient rigour and thoroughness to be of value to practising engineers as well as students, though the book does not take the place of an engineering manual.
The basic principles of drainage include wider environmental issues, and these are of signi?cance not only to engineers, but to all with a serious interest in the urban environment, such as students, researchers and practitioners in environmental science, technology, policy and planning, geography and health studies. These wider issues are covered in particular parts of the book, deliberately written for a wide readership (indicated in the table opposite). The material makes up a signi?cant portion of the
book, and if these sections are read together, they should provide a coher ent and substantial insight into a fascinating and important environmental topic.
The book is divided into twenty-four chapters, with numerical examples throughout, and problems at the end of each chapter. Comprehensive reference lists that point the way to further, more detailed information, support the text. Our aim has been to produce a book that is both comprehensive and accessible, and to share our conviction with all our readers that urban drainage is a subject of extraordinary variety and interest.
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