08-13-2010, 05:48 PM
Lifts Elevators and Moving Walkways Travelators
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Lifts, elevators and moving walkways/travelators covers specifications, analyses and designs of various types of lifts (elevators), escalators and travelators (moving walkways). It comprises of four sections starting with a general introduction to types of lifts, escalators and travelators. Section II deals with the planning, analysis and design of components or elements of lifts/elevators. Section III covers the analysis of structural elements of moving walks or travelators. Having given description in Section I, it was felt to give again a general introduction together with data on moving walks. Design analysis of the elements of escalators is introduced in section IV and is fully explained with design examples. The finite element technique forms a prominent part in this section. Section IV is entirely devoted to the design of elements forming escalators.The book has the flexibility to include additional analytical and design topics and case studies. This book can be used by engineers, technologists, specialists in lifts, escalators or moving walkways. The book is readily available for bureaus who are involve in computer aided works and finite element modeling of steel structures under static and dynamic loads. Civil/structural and mechanical engineers can take advantage of this text and can redesigned in their own installations and other structures.This book is also useful for post graduate mechanical, engineering courses.
•Format: Kindle Edition
•File Size: 8772 KB /13.6m
•Print Length: 358 pages
•Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
•Publisher: T & F Books UK; 1 edition (January 28, 2009)
•Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
•Language: English
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