Thin-Walled Structures with Structural Imperfections
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Every structural designer involved with thin-walled structures should read this book. Most engineers are familiar with the concept of buckling, and powerful finite element packages will easily compute the buckling loads of a structures. In most FEM programs, buckling is meant to be the bifurcation load of the perfect structure and most likely a mesh is available for the perfect, idealized structure. Quoting Zienkiewicz “…quite frequently this type of approach is used beyond its limits of applicability.” Godoy’s book will show you why imperfect structures can fail at one-half the bifurcation load and will teach you how to get a good approximation to the critical load of the imperfect structure. You will learn to recognize an imperfection sensitive structure, what is the effect of interacting imperfections, and so on. The book is most useful to designers with good background on finite elements and thin-walled shell theory. It is also a valuable reference for graduate students and researchers in this field, both as a self contained dissertation on the most practical types of problems and as a rich introduction to the broader field of stability of thin-walled structures. The basics of perturbation techniques required for the analysis are presented in the appendix.
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