SSMA Product Technical Catalog (Light Gauge/Cold-Formed Steel)
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General Product Information
The increasing environmental concerns in the world today have caused us all to examine the way we live. These issues have affected every aspect of our lives, including the materials we use in construction.
The use of cold-formed steel members as a building alternative is an intelligent choice with benefits to, not only the environment, but also to the contractor, designer and developer.
Steel is not only a recyclable product, but also a stronger product allowing for longer clear-spans in the design process. Cold-formed steel is lighter providing ease of handling. It is a straighter product giving a “true” wall with which to work. It doesn’t suffer fluctuation in price, making it easier to bid a project. Quality control is stressed in all phases of the manufacturing process so the highest possible quality is delivered to the job site.
The structural shapes manufactured are easily used for non-structural and structural assemblies, floor and ceiling joist assemblies, and panelized systems. They can be used as the main structural support system or as a supplement to heavy structural steel or concrete construction.
Manufacturers have been producing cold-formed steel framing members for many years, with each manufacturer having its own nomenclature and design values. A steel member with identical properties would be identified by different names based on which manufacturer produced it. This created some confusion at all levels of the construction process.
The SSMA's mission is to proactively represent member firms engaged in the manufacture, marketing and sale of cold-formed steel framing members, as a unified voice to the residential and light commercial
construction industry serviced by its products, which includes contractors, distributors, design professionals, code officials and standards organizations. To this end, SSMA will endeavor to supply products which meet or exceed standards established by national, state and local code bodies and by
recognized industry associations. SSMA resolves to continually initiate and adopt the development of new technology and applications for its members' products with the common goal of growing new market opportunities.
Code Approval
Products manufactured by the members recognized by ICBO Evaluation Service of the Steel Stud Manufacturers Association, SSMA, comply with the Uniform Building Code and International Building Code. See ICBO ES Evaluation Report No. 4943-P.
Material Specifications
Products manufactured by SSMA members are formed from steel with a minimum yield stress of 33 ksi or 50 ksi. All products covered in this catalog are engineered to meet the 1996 Edition of the American Iron and Steel Institute, AISI, “Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members.” The structural properties included in this brochure have been computed based on allowable stress design to conform with the same AISI document.
All data, specifications and details contained in this publication are intended as a general guide for using
SSMA members products. These products should not be used in design or construction without an
independent evaluation by a qualified engineer or architect to verify the suitability of a particular product for use in a specific application. The SSMA and its members assume no liability for failure resulting from the use or misapplication of computations, detail drawings and specifications contained herein. This publication contains the latest information available at the time of printing. The SSMA and its members reserve the right to make modifications and/or change materials of any of their products without prior notice or obligation. For the latest information regarding a particular manufacturer’s products contact that manufacturer. All SSMA manufacturers may not produce all of the products contained in this catalog. Please contact manufacturer toverify product availability.
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