Design Aids In Soil Mechanics And Foundation Engineering
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Book: Design Aids In Soil Mechanics And Foundation Engineering
Author: Shenbaga R Kaniraj
ISBN-13: 9780074517147, 978-0074517147
Publishing Date: 2004
Publisher: Tata Mgraw Hill
Edition: 1st
Number of Pages: 514
Language: English
The book serves the interests and needs of designers, teachers and students of civil engineering. It provides the designers with specific design procedures and the relevant background material to understand the theory and methodology behind the procedures, their limitations and their relevance to the problem on hand. For teachers, this is a good resource book to teach more than one course in geotechnical engineering, both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The students will find the book a good reference for several courses in geotechnical engineering and in their future professional career. The remaining part of the book, on soil engineering, covers all important problems typically met with in civil engineering practice. Applications of procedures are illustrated with numerous solved examples. Instances where the designer must use his own judgement are also brought out.
About the Author
Shenbaga R Kaniraj is presently Professor, Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. He graduated in Civil Engineering in 1967 from PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, then affiliated to the Madras University. He obtained an ME degree in Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, in 1969.
Table of Contents
1. Fundamental Definitions, Relationships and Inter-Relationships 2. Index Properties 3. Soil Classification 4. Soil Compaction 5. Flow Through Soils (Steady State) 6. Effective Stress Principle 7. Consolidation 8. Development of Pore Water Pressure and Pore Water Pressure Parameters 9. Shear Strength of Saturated Soils 10. Foundation Loads 11. Location and Depth of Foundations 12. Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations 13. Elastic Solutions for Vertical Stresses and Displacements in Soils 14. Settlement of Shallow Foundations 15. Pile Foundations 16. Lateral Earth Pressure 17. Earth Retaining Structures 18. Stability of Earth Slopes 19. Subsurface Investigation 20. Dynamic Analysis of Foundations
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