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This book covers a broad range of seepage and groundwater problems.
It describes t h e physics of water flow through porous media and soil physical problems associated with t h a t flow. In addition, t h e book discusses important practical problems of groundwater and illustrates different methods for solving
those problems. Among the problems covered are: control of shallow water tables, seepage under dams and other hydraulic structures, flow t o wells, evaluation of aquifer tests, construction and maintenance of wells, and exploration for groundwater.
During the past few years, several books have been published in the broad field of groundwater hydrology. These books are concerned to a large extent with water-quality problems associated with groundwater and do not treat t h e wide variety of problems t h a t we have dealt with in our book. They do not emphasize methods of obtaining solutions t o groundwater problems to t h e same extent t h a t we do, nor do they emphasize t h e engineering design of groundwater management devices. The writing of a book with such an emphasis was motivated by t h e authors' teaching of seepage, drainage, and groundwater courses at t h e University of California at Davis to undergraduate and graduate students that have widely varying backgrounds and interests.
Publisher : Elsevier
Year : 1982
Number of pages : 507
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