Civil Engineering Association

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we closed registration to do some important change in forum, & it isn`t open soon.
be careful to have right act on forum. if you ban you miss here ...

warn to all inactive member:
we planed to delete any inactive member from here, if you deleted you miss here ...

we don`t need costumer user only, we have more than 11000 registered user that only about 1200 of them have minimum 1 post & less than have enough activity.

we prefer to continue even with 10 user but all of them were active.

activity is not have large amount of posts we need useful posts.
here is a place for all engineer That share their knowledge free & we don`t have earned any money here even we must pay money to keep here alive.

if you want to be a customer & see here only for download new material you can go other site to do it. here is only for active members. :hand:

i thanks from all members & moderator that keep alive here

if any members not be active up to end of this month will be deleted from our database.
i explain activity in above post & some other thread.
try to start activity with useful post.
activity is not posting request, thanks, ...

be sure these rules is useful for all of us. having active forum is best for us.

be active
In my opinion I think the best solution is to evaluate each member's activity once at every 2 or 3 months and in case it had some activity to let him download, otherwise to prevent him from downloading. I don't think that deleting him is the best solution.
Dear all,

I strongly agree with our Admin. If we want to have this forum a worthwhile one, we have to be active. And as both Admin and Moderators have said over time, you do not have to be a software developer or do reverse engineering or so to be an active member.

Examples? You pick one: read/study a book or an article and post your PROFESSIONAL and USEFUL comments, share you experience with the use of the (trial) software you are testing, problems/experiences with the application of a specific software to a specific real-life problem... You can share a lot to the professional comunity.

It must be a pain in the a** to be the Admin for a site like this and read 1000 posts that say something like: "can you explain to me how to apply a keygen?", "I need crack for Perform 3D"... It is my understanding that this site is the evolution of the old, and if you have been following all this since even that site, there was a very funny comment at the end of a chain of stupid requests:

"I need Etabs 9.5"
"I need Primavera"
"I need perform 3D"
"I need RISA"
and then the funny comment came:
"I need a million dollar !!!"

Maybe this post is not gonna be loved by the 10'000 users that are not active and just enter this forum looking for something for free and give nothing in exchange. But I am with the Admin: delete all inactive users and If this site have to have 10 users, let it be that way...
Dear faros3000, dear colleagues,

I don't disagree with you, but I really believe that our problem are the bad members and the immature ones ("children in a candy store").
10,000 of inactive members is better than 50 members posting trash here (or not useful "thanks"!). so, I see that the real problem is the bad member!
My suggestion (I put it before!) is:
1- Clear and severe rules;
2- Continuous education for the newbies (Yes! O Know! Needs a lot f patience and moderators works);
3- Apply the rules!!! Laws only works if they are applied!!! Moderators needs and must be severe, after education work (re-incidence).
4- Clear and all right criteria to recognize good posts and the members promotion!

This is my point of view and I do believe that is the best way to be a strong and the biggest engineering forum.

dear colleagues,

i agree with dell, but i have a suggestion.

there should be a way to assess member's contribution to forum which will determine how much that member will be able to download. this will help reduce all inactive members who just ruin the forum for the rest of us.

I want to be active, but my English is bad and my knowledge is still low. But this forum is very useful for me. How to alive? I’m ready to pay, to become VIP.
(11-08-2009, 03:13 PM)dizz Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
I want to be active, but my English is bad and my knowledge is still low. But this forum is very useful for me. How to alive? I’m ready to pay, to become VIP.

most of ours haven`t good english (like me :blush:)
but you can share your knowledge (even is low) with others. you can search & find new material from web & share it here. this not hard...
this is good for us & you. we don`t need money now. I will pay all cost myself.:yes:
I agree with Dizz,

for us, new members, is difficult to become an active member at once. I become member few months ago and I'm still exploring and learning from others.
My opinion is that there is no reasons to do such radical steps and disconnect somebody because they just try to find some useful informations for their work.
Nobody should be punished if he didn't violated rules given by forum.
And in time anybody will learn to make posts and become a better member.

All apologies for bad English.
Dear Dizz and Imatoric:
My English is bad too (my grammar is worse), but ten months ago I was try to collaborate once a week or each 15 days... Then now I'm a active member...
If you have too few time to spending in this Forum, only with push the THANKS button correctly or give a useful commentary is enough (for me at least). The idiom is not a valid excuse, because everyone have access to Google Translate, Babel, or anything else tool to translate from my motherhood language to English.
Only try to collaborate, kindly... try
Post a question, a discussion theme, a report from your daily work, an structure, post a suggestion... try
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