Plz find the article in the following Link:
Article name: Strain Wedge Model Capability of Analyzing Behavior of Laterally Loaded Isolated Piles, Drilled Shafts, and Pile Groups
Authors: Mohamed Ashour, M.ASCE; Gary Norris, M.ASCE; and Patrick Pilling, M.ASCE
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Hi.I need some old papers (before 1982) from ASCE. These papers dont have digital version in ASCE library.
Bertero, V. V., and Popov, E. P. 1965. “Effect of Large Alternating Strains of Steel
Beams.” Journal of the Structural Division, American Society of Civil Engineers,
vol. 91, no. ST1.
Karsan, I.D. and J.O. Jirsa (1969). “Behavior of Concrete under Compressive Loadings,” Journal of
the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 95, No. ST12, pp. 2543–2564.
Park, R., M.J.N. Priestley, and W.D. Gill (1982). “Ductility of Square-Confined Concrete Columns,”
Journal of the Structural Division, Vol. 108, No. ST4, pp. 929–950.
Sheikh, S.A., and S.M. Uzumeri (1980). “Strength and Ductility of Tied Concrete Columns,” Journal
of the Structural Division, Vol. 106, No. ST5, pp. 1079–1102.
Sheikh, S.A., and S.M. Uzumeri (1982). “Analytical Model for Concrete Confinement in Tied
Columns,” Journal of the Structural Division, Vol. 108, No. ST12, pp. 2703–2722.
Does Anyone have following paper?.
Article name: Ultimate Wind Load Design Gust Wind Speeds in the United States for Use in ASCE-7
Author: Peter J. Vickery; Dhiraj Wadhera; Jon Galsworthy; Jon A. Peterka; Peter A. Irwin; and Lawrence A. Griffis
Design Gust Wind Speeds in the United States
Author:Jon A. Peterka, Member, ASCE
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Comparison of Directional and Envelope Wind Load Provisions of ASCE 7
Author:Christopher A. Trautner, P.E., S.M.ASCE; and Rasko P. Ojdrovic, P.E., M.ASCE
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Design Gust Wind Speeds in the United States
Comparison of Directional and Envelope Wind Load Provisions of ASCE 7
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