Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: Recession in Civil Engineering ?
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same things in the Balkan region. Most of the private projects canceled, a few public still going on but it's too difficult to participate in those since corruption is the biggest barrier. You have got to have money to make money from engineering nowadays.
In POrtugal like mig21 said, unemploymente is about 10%, almost stopped the construction of buildings housing, so there is no work in the field of eng projects for private construction, the governmente is launching a lot of dams, higways, airport, and alternative energy projects, but this will only take efects in unemplyment in 2,3,or years. This year almost for sure will be no raises in public workers (i´m one of these), and when there is no raise un public workers, i nhere, the private sector does the same, altough our salaries are smaller that in Spain, in there the unemployment is worst (more than 20%), and the construction market totally stoped in there, and our economie is very dependent of Spain,so 2010 will not be a good year for us in the eng. and construction field.
What can we do in Portugal?
We are leaving (not me but many eng´s and construction workers) to Angola, where everything is to be done, and we speak the same language, who cames from Angola in holidays, say´s that in there Portuguese and Chinese workers are caming to work in the country, i do not understand why others nationalitys don´t go work in there.
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