Very bad in portugal too…... unemployment rate almost 10 % high deficit 8% lots of investments delayed …. Apartments and house sales stagnated ,,,, a nightmare ….
Personally I have less work but hanging still,, had to cut in some vacations destinations and rethinking changing car ….
I believe that it will be worse until it get’s better at least in Portugal….
(11-27-2009, 07:25 AM)amaranu Wrote: [ -> ]Dear friends,
As per the latest news Dubai is got in to the big Debt crisis !!!, Hope this shouldnot bring recession further deep, We are already into somuch problem that we are still not recovered, Prey that we all should go back to normal as soon as possible.
Heard Dubai is in a big loan default late last week. How is the industry going on there? If it crash, it affect negative some if not many countries. Definately my country will have a sudden increase in 'resources' offer. We have many contruction related proffesionals working in Dubai. Imagine if all of them come home!
Our economic expert said that if Dubai Crisis has not controled, it wil starting Economic Global Crisis part 2 for all over the world..
Hope, it is not getting worst..
Some our (Indonesian) expatriat whom works as Engineers and Draughtman are lay off from Dubai... :(
and some Indonesian Enginner lost their job on Indonesia because Tunnel Project (Samsung C&T Abu Dhabi Deep Tunnel Sewerage System) is HOLD and they arrive to Middle East are canceled by Samsung C&T..
Hope, They (Samsung C&T) will take responsible for what they do to our engineer..
I am residing in Dubai, and the news of the debt of dubai is not new, its been around since may be about 6 months or so. But I am not sure as to why the issue was raised in such a manner in the media and blown out of proportion.
I some how feel its kind of propognada against dubai, and ironocally I am also very much surprised to see the dubai govt sitting mum on this entire episode. ofcourse as every where else in the world the recession has had its effects on dubai as well, with many losing their jobs(I feel sorry for them).
But as a whole dubai is recovering slowly but steadily. The first quarter of 2010 should definately see dubai moving towards better days.
Dear Jaks,
Its good to hear that Dubai is picking up. We can (I am sure) breath without any problem. Good to know the actual facts from the people like you who are living in Dubai.
Hope everything will be alright.
Thanks for the update with the positive spirit.
In QATAR also lot of people lost their jobs and most of the big projects stopped and no new projects announced only prestigious projects of big clients are on going. Hope this problem will be solved by end of 2009 of early 2010
The economic problem is global. One of the sectors worst affected is the engineering and construction sector (of the economy). It would be recalled that the problem actually started from this sector (the American property market burst). Let’s watch and pray that we get out of it as soon as possible.
Though I might sound pessimist, it seems it may be here for some time to come. My fear is also confirmed by the recent developments in the fact that Dubai, the last bastion, has also gotten into deep trouble despite the attempts made to bail it out and the fact that people had heaped unfounded trust in its bogus system for this while. While that fun lasted, the engineers, (particularly those from the Asian countries) benefitted from it. Following the recent development, the professionals that found themselves still there found that they were in for deeper and bitter problems than they could have imagined.
For those who might be nursing the idea of hitching a ride to the so-call “greener pasture”, though that this might be a good idea at the appropriate time but as things stand right now, I think that this is not the right time to do it.
It is time now for everyone to count his/her steps. Please look before you leap. Do not just jump yet into any waiting band wagon. It may be carrying you to suspension/tribulation. Keep and watch (carefully) over whatever you have right now.
Remember, it is not yet uhuru!! The Italians used to say “occhio!!” (Which means, “Be careful”).
It seems good in Turkey. There are lots of investments on Highways nowadays. Also as the officials said, more than hundred dams will be constructed.
In some small scale companies had crisis with their situation but even the unit engineering prices are reduced for all kind of engineering applications, there is job in Turkey. Some investors from Arabic countries (Dubai etc..) have also problems with their investments.
I hope in the second part of 2010, construction works will go ahead. As far as I know over 20 billion dollars investments have to be finished in 4-5 years time. (included the longest cable stayed bridge in the world)
Also there may be some construction works in Belarus. I heard a Turkish+Chinese JV signed a 1.2 billion dollar power plant construction
Germany, France,Italy & Spain are going bad, a lost of workers in the chain buildings field are loosing their employ. Companies are suspending future projects and programs. Someone is telling 2010 will be worst than before.
In my office too job is stacking. Maybe some chance could be in the urban design of oldest urban areas but of course that will depend from the general financial condition. I would like to be a bit more positive, but any relevant signal seems to comes up.
Hi all
Situation in Croatia is complicated but not only because of recession. Due to "recession" all major projects financed by government are pretty much stopped at the moment, which primarly impacts largest Croatian construction companies mostly involved in road building. Hopefully those companies will find some job abroad since they employ a lot of people. As for middle size companies I think that they will be able to get out of the crisis because they are much more efficient & more adjustable. Not sure about small companies. Might be they are taking the hardest hit. To sum it up: sadly lots of people will loose their jobs.