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The situation is much bigger in UAE especially in DUBAI, here everything was like virtual, things were taking shape at a bizzare pace. After the crisis its like someone has pressed the PAUSE button nad everything just stopped where it was, companies shut down, people are desperate with job cuts.

Some rumours that things might stabalize very soon(since FEB but no signs yet), hoping for the best...
News reporting US property is picking up. Fellow members, u guys feeling anyting yet in ur countries?
here in dubai u.a.e the situation is worst. too much construction was opened last year but all of a sadden were struck by global crisis that ended up the boom of construction. almost all tower cranes in the world are here in dubai but now its a ghost town out here...hope this ends soon but i believe dubai will never be the same as before
i am afraid if this is going to be like this. i hope situation changes soon. many people are loosing their jobs of worst just in the name of recession
(08-07-2009, 03:33 AM)king12 Wrote: [ -> ]i am afraid if this is going to be like this. i hope situation changes soon. many people are loosing their jobs of worst just in the name of recession

Hi guys,

Well in Nigeria,the recession has hit hard at the construction industry.A lot of high profile jobs(@ d conceptual stages) funded by the Private sector died prematurely because of the global crises.Prices are crashing in the real estate sector and people are still not buying properties .So we are left are a few high profile jobs mostly financed by the federal government.

A lot of people have manged to hold on to their jobs without pay-cuts in the construction industry here unlike others like banking,telecoms etc.But of course our profit shares would be terrible this year.:(
It is possible that situation can change in First Word Countries, but I think that in Third Word Countries the worse is coming.
I talk that for my experience: When I traveled to USA, I saw that the Construction Industry has stopped, but you felt that people put pressure to start the production engine, you can see that the private enterprise and some government institutions try o do something to solve it.
In my country, Venezuela, you can't feel the same. Only the government is who build, few privates. Find construction supplies is a nightmare. Find a Job it's worse.
too bad for Ireland. total shutdown. empty buildings. real estate construction suspended. doing some nursing/healthcare studies now to supplement income and keep food on the table. it seems wiping asses of old people are a more stable industry now than engg. the shit has hit the fan this time !

goodbye to staad and etabs for the meantime and all those crazy nights deciphering the BS and Eurocodes. game over man, game over.
In Indonesia, it is the 2nd time we feel recession..

1st in 1998, Moneter Crisis, when our rezim (Soeharto Rezim) fall down and moneter recession hit Asia, so many bank collapse and office/factory are closed.

Now 2nd 2008, Financial Global Crissis, we have experience before (in 1998), so our goverment keep runing economic slowly but not let it stop, try to help all small bussiness in our country with Goverment Money (Devisa).

There some company try to merger each other.

And some Owner with big projects, delay their project until the recover economic condition and do some efficiency (ie: cut of employee, etc).

Some of my friend are cutted of from their office and change their profession from engineer to small bussiness man (selling food, small contractor, etc).. I see their bussiness grow up quickly..

And me, I always prepare my self if it happen to me next....I keep wider my network and relationship.



Robert Sasmita
is this not an another cause of global warming?
Dear friends,

As per the latest news Dubai is got in to the big Debt crisis !!!, Hope this shouldnot bring recession further deep, We are already into somuch problem that we are still not recovered, Prey that we all should go back to normal as soon as possible.

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