The Stability Of Elastic Equilibrium
Author: Warner Tjardus Koiter | Size: 9.32 MB | Format: PDF | Year: 1945 | pages: 322
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The Stability Of Elastic Equilibrium
by Warner Tjardus Koiter
This is translation of W.T.Koiter's dissertation for a degree of doctor in the technical sciences at the Techische Hooge School at Delft
A general theory of elastic stability is presented. In contrast to previous works in the field, the present analysis is augmented by an investigation of the behavior of the buckled structure in the immediate neighborhood of the bifurcation point. This investigation explains why some structures, e,g., a flat plate supported along its edges and subjected to thrust in its plane, are capable of carrying loads considerably above the buckling load, while other structures, e.g., an axially loaded cylindrical shell, collapse at loads far below the theoretical critical load.
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