Structural System for Tall Buildings
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This volume is one of a series of Monographs prepared under the aegis of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, a series that is aimed at documenting the state of the art of the planning, design, conslruction, and operation of tall buildings as well as their interaction with the urban environmenL The present series is built upon an original set of five Monographs published by the American Society of Civil Engineers, as follows:
Volume PC: Plnrming nrzd En~rironn~enraClr irerio for Toll Beildings
Volume SC: Tall Building Sysrems ond Cortceprs
Volunze CL: Tall Building Criteria nnd Loading
Volume SB: Srrucrurol Design of Toll Sreel Btrildings
Voltrme CB: Srmcrural Design of Tall Concrele and Mosorrry Buildings
Following the publication of a number of updates to these volumes, it was decided by the Steering Group of the Council lo develop a new series. It would be based on the original effort but would focus more strongly on the individual topical committees rather than the groups. This would do two things. It would free the Council committees from restraints as to length. Also it would permit material on a given topic to reach the public more quickly.
The result was the Toll Buildings and Urban Enr,iron~nensf eries, being published by McGraw-Hill. Inc.. New York. The present Monograph joins sixothers, the first of which was reieased in 1992:
Cost-in-Place Concrere in Toll Building Design ond Consrrucrion Clodding
Building Design for Handicapped ond Aged Persons
Fire Safely in Tall Buildings
Senxi-Rigid Connecrions in Steel Frornes
Cold-Formed Sfeel in Tall Buildings
This parlicular Monograph was prepnrcd by the Council's Committee 3. Strucmral Systems. Its earlier treatment was n part of Volume SC. It dealt with the many issues relating to tall building structural systems when it was published in 1980. The committee decided that a volume featuring cane studies of many of the most important buildings of the lust two decades would provide professionals with some interesting comparisons of how and why structural systems were chosen. The result of the committee's cfforls is this Monograph. It provides case studies of tall buildings from Japan. the United States. Malaysia. Australia. New Zealand. Hong Kong. Spain, and Singapore.
This unique international survey examines the myriad of archirecturni. engineering, and construcdon issues that must be taken into account in designing tall buildtag structural systems.
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