Earthquakes and Tsunamis: Civil Engineering Disaster Mitigation Activities - Implementing Millennium Development Goals
Author: Tankut, A. Tugrul (Ed.) | Size: 13.9 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: Springer | Year: 2009 | pages: 218 | ISBN: 9789048123988
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Earthquakes and tsunamis are two major natural disasters, causing enormous life and material losses over the entire world, especially in the developing countries that are not well prepared. Since earthquakes and tsunamis are natural phenomena that cannot be prevented, a series of measures need to be taken to minimize the losses. Disaster mitigation covers a wide variety of activities involving numerous disciplines. Civil engineering makes probably the most effective contribution to the mitigation of life and material losses in earthquakes and tsunamis.
This volume contains 11 major contributions of distinguished experts from various areas of civil engineering, and aims at informing the civil engineering community about the recent progress in disaster mitigation concerning earthquakes and tsunamis. It is designed to address the standard practicing civil engineer with the aim of carrying the scientific research results to the engineering practice in simple engineering language.
Content Level » Professional/practitioner
Keywords » Disaster mitigation - Earthquake - Seismic design - Seismic rehabilitation - Tsunami
Related subjects » Earth Sciences & Geography - Engineering
Is the domed city doomed?; M.A. Sozen.
Seismic rehabilitation of reinforced concrete buildings; U. Ersoy.
Use of CFRP to strengthen splices and provide continuity in reinforced concrete structures: J.O. Jirsa and I. Kim.
Earthquake risk mitigation - the global challenge; R. Spence.
Seismic protection of monuments; T.P. Tassios.
Mitigation of seismic risk in Italy following the 2002 S.Giuliano earthquake; M. Dolce. New challenges in geotechnique for ground hazards due to intensely strong earthquake shaking; K. Ishihara.
Roles of civil engineers for disaster mitigation under changes of natural and social environments and policies for the creation of a safe and secure society; M. Hamada. Microzonation for urban planning; A. Ansal et al.
Performance of structures during the 2004 Indian ocean tsunami and tsunami induced forces for structural design; M. Saatcioglu.
Characteristics of disasters induced by the Wenchuan 8.0 earthquake and its lessons; W. Lanmin et al.
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