Primer for Design Professionals, Communicating with Owners and Managers of New Buildings on Earthquake Risk (FEMA389)
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Primer for Design Professionals, Communicating with Owners and Managers of New Buildings on Earthquake Risk
Christopher Rojahn, Applied Technology Council
Risk Management Series
Series: Risk Management Series
Publisher: Federal Emergency Management Agency of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (FEM
Pages: 190
* Earthquake resistant design
* Earthquake hazard analysis
* Commercial buildings -- Earthquake effects
* Public buildings -- Earthquake effects
* Risk assessment
Seismic risk management tools, including new seismic engineering technology and data, are now available to assist with evaluating, predicting, and controlling financial and personal-injury losses from future damaging earthquakes. These tools have evolved as a result of scientific and engineering breakthroughs, including new earth-science knowledge about the occurrence and severity of earthquake shaking, and new engineering techniques for designing building systems and components to withstand the effects of earthquakes. As a result, design and construction professionals can now design and construct new buildings with more predictable seismic performance than ever before.
Seismic risks can be managed effectively in a number of ways, including the design and construction of better performing buildings as well as the employment of strategies that can result in risk reduction over the life of the building. Risk reduction techniques include the use of new technologies, such as seismic isolation and energy dissipation devices for both structural and nonstructural systems; site selection to avoid hazards such as ground motion amplification, landslide, and liquefaction; and the use of performance-based design concepts, which enable the engineer to better estimate building capacity and seismic loading demand and to design buildings for enhanced performance (beyond that typically provided by current seismic codes). The implementation of risk reduction strategies by building owners and managers is critically important, not only for reducing the likelihood of life loss and injury, but also for reducing the potential for losses associated with earthquake damage repair and business interruption.
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