High Pressure Pumps
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By Michael T. Gracey. P.E.
* Publisher: Gulf Professional Publishing
* Number Of Pages: 304
* Publication Date: 2006-04-11
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 075067900X
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780750679008
* Binding: Hardcover
Product Description:
High Pressure Pumps provides a look into recent experience and research to help engineers, scientist and end users to understand the technical side of pumps, nozzles and accessories that have been developed for special applications. High pressure system design with formulas to calculate pressure drop, orifice size, cleaning paths, horsepower, torque and trouble shooting that may not be found in any other single book are included.
High pressure pumps and systems are used in shipbuilding, steel mills, automotive plants, research, petrochemical and water jetting industries. This book covers high pressure pumps used in water jetting, cryogenics, hot fluid pumping, chemical pumping and oil field services. The development of 10,000 psi to 40,000 psi pumps over the lat 30 years is covered along with the auxiliary hardware needed to do surface preparation, high pressure cleaning and water jet cutting.
* Goes a step further than manufacturer's manuals and to explore applications and system design
* Only book on the market that covers this technology from installation to management
* Need to know reference for operating high pressure pumps
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