This thread is a response to cve_jule post on the Arup Millennium Bridge paper by Tony Fitzpatrick which has the most used formula for calculating the limiting number of people on a footbridge for a given level of damping (section 4.10)
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A brief introduction of Sétra
Sétra is a Technical Department for Transport, Roads and Bridges Engineering and Road Safety of the French ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and the Sea, in charge of green technologies and climate change negotiations.
As a center of excellence in infrastructure and transport engineering, Sétra has to produce and spread state of art knowledge and know how.
Sétra’s essential aim is to support national and local authorities in their policies to provide an effi cient and safe road network for people and goods, and to develop an integrated and sustainable European transportation system. In all the strategic fi elds dealing with road, bridges, multimodal and intermodal facilities, it provides expertise, methodologies, guidelines, as well as software and information systems.
To elaborate these methodologies and facilitate use of emerging technologies and innovative practices Sétra works with a broad range of public and private stakeholders.
Sétra has a strong focus on exchanging experiences and knowledge within the international community. It is an active member of PIARC committees (World Road Association) and, as a technical approval body, is an EOTA member (European Organisation for Technical Approvals)
The site also has some good guideline to segmental and timber bridges.
Sétra is a Technical Department for Transport, Roads and Bridges Engineering and Road Safety of the French ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and the Sea, in charge of green technologies and climate change negotiations.
As a center of excellence in infrastructure and transport engineering, Sétra has to produce and spread state of art knowledge and know how.
Sétra’s essential aim is to support national and local authorities in their policies to provide an effi cient and safe road network for people and goods, and to develop an integrated and sustainable European transportation system. In all the strategic fi elds dealing with road, bridges, multimodal and intermodal facilities, it provides expertise, methodologies, guidelines, as well as software and information systems.
To elaborate these methodologies and facilitate use of emerging technologies and innovative practices Sétra works with a broad range of public and private stakeholders.
Sétra has a strong focus on exchanging experiences and knowledge within the international community. It is an active member of PIARC committees (World Road Association) and, as a technical approval body, is an EOTA member (European Organisation for Technical Approvals)
The site also has some good guideline to segmental and timber bridges.
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