Foundations of Theory of Plasticity
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Foundations of Theory of Plasticity
By L. M Kachanov
* Publisher: North-Holland Pub. Co
* Number Of Pages: 482
* Publication Date: 1971
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0444101004
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780444101006
* Binding: Unknown Binding
Summary: A foundation book in the field of plasticity of continuous media
Rating: 5
The book of Kachanov on the Fundamentals of the Theory of Plasticity and the book of R. Hill on the Mathematical Theory of Plasticity are undoubtedly the two books that any researcher in the field of applied mechanics must hold. The book of Kachanov is still today unparalleled as far as it concerns presentation of difficult concepts of plasticity theory in a way understandable from any student or practitioner in the field of engineering. The material presented covers all aspects from plasticity theory including e.g. limit analysis, flow rule, hardening, stability theorems; even a concise but clear presentation of the older deformation theory of plasticity is presented. Certainly, the book shows its age because numerical aspects of plasticity theory are not included. However, this is a book, which greatly contributed to the diffusion of plasticity theory and must be read by anyone who whish to undertake research in the field of mechanics of deformable media.
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