12-06-2009, 07:22 PM
Water Environment Federation, "Clarifier Design: WEF Manual of Practice No. FD-8"
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Written by some of the world's most knowledgeable authorities on wastewater clarification, Clarifier Design helps readers make fully informed decisions about this essential step in the wastewater cleansing process.
Contrasting traditional methods with the many leading-edge choices in clarifier design approaches, the text establishes criteria and protocols for decision-making. For potential buyers evaluating clarifier effectiveness for their particular situations, for vendors wanting to demonstrate the superiority of their designs, for designers creating new variations or products, for anyone who needs to compare the many types and configurations of clarifiers that are available and in use -- there is no better choice that than this manual from the Water Environment Federation.
Clarifier Design is the most complete and useful treatise available on wastewater clarification. Its demystifying explanations will help everyone approach the process and its technologies with more understanding, confidence -- and clarity.
A One-Stop Reference Source for the Entire Wastewater Clarification Process
* Traditional and leading-edge methods
* Objective approaches to analyzing and improving clarifier design
* Latest information on software modeling
* Complete instructions for field testing
* Step-by-step evaluation based on resources and needs
* New Design Efficiency (DE) standard for wastewater clarifiers
* Integration with solids-handling facilities
* Wastewater clarification approaches in Europe
* Circular and rectangular clarifiers
* "Nuts and bolts" details on processes and equipment
* Key parameters for clarification
* Performance monitoring and control equipment
* Assessing vendor claims
* Demonstrating product superiority
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