Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete Buildings
Volume 1
Volume 1
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General Description:
In 1994, as part of the Proposition 122 Seismic Retrofit Practices Improvement Program, the Commission awarded the Applied Technology Council (ATC) a contract to develop a recommended methodology and commentary for the seismic evaluation and retrofit of existing concrete buildings (product 1.2). In 1995·the Commission awarded a second, related contract to ATC to expand the Product 1.2 effort to include effects of foundations on the seismic performance of existing concrete buildings (Product 1.3). The results of the two projects have been combined and are presented in this ATC-40 Report (also known as SSC-96-01). TV/o other reports recently published by the California Seismic Safety Commission, the Provisional Commentary for Seismic Retrofit (1994) and the Review ofSeismic Research Results on Existing Buildings (1994), are Products 1.1 and 3.1 of the Proposition 122 Program, respectively. These two previous reports provide the primary basis for the development of the recommended methodology and commentary contained in this document. . This document is organized into two volumes. Volume One contains the main body of the evaluation and retrofit methodology, presented in 13 chapters, with a glossary and a list of ref-erences, J1d~ volume contains all ofthe parts of the document required for the' evaluation and retrofit of btrildings. Volume Two consists of Appendices containing supporting materials related to the methodology: four example building case study reports, a cost effectiveness study related to the four building studies, and a review
of research on the effects of foundation conditions on the seismic performance of concrete
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