11-15-2009, 06:48 PM
Material Science - Prof. Satish V Kailas
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Materials science (and engineering), MSE, is arguably the most important engineering discipline.
Materials have always been important to the advance of civilization: entire eras are named after them.
After evolving from the Stone Age through the Bronze and Iron Ages, now in the modern era we have
vast numbers of tailored materials to make use of. We are really living in the Materials Age.
The field of Materials Science deals with all classes of materials from a unified viewpoint and with an
emphasis on the connections between the underlying structure and the processing, properties, and
performance of the material. A materials scientist studies how materials react/behave when subjected
to different conditions (such as mechanical loads, temperature and pressure) and understands that all
materials can be approached from a common set of principles. Most fields in science and engineering
are concerned in some way or other with materials, but only the field of materials science and
engineering focuses directly on them.
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