CSA S413:21 Parking structures
| Size: 21.83 MB| Format: PDF| Quality: Scanner| Year: 2021| pages: 143
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This is the fifth edition of CSA S413, Parking structures. It supersedes the previous editions published in 2014, 2007, 1994, and 1987.
This Standard differs from the previous edition as follows:
a) added clarification in Scope regarding considerations for structures or portions of structures which are designed for the storage and/or repair of vehicles;
b) requirements for fibre-reinforced polymer reinforcement have been added;
c) updates to requirements for surface preparation, installation, testing, and performance of protection systems;
d) updated requirements for placement and design of expansion joints near columns, spandrels, walls, and other vertical elements;
e) revisions to clarify concrete types for perimeter basement walls;
f) revision to requirements and suggested details for parking structure drains;
g) added requirements for cast-in services placed in proximity to parking structure drains;
h) revision to requirements for core testing;
i) added requirements for protection of reinforcement at precast joint ends and expansion joints;
j) clarification for water supply for periodic washdowns;
k) clarifications for concrete requirements to harmonize with CSA A23.1;
l) added requirements for crack treatment;
m) added requirements for footing protection from chloride contamination;
n) revisions to requirements for concrete moisture testing and calcium chloride testing;
o) added requirement for consideration of alternate access/egress pathways in parking structures in cases of repair;
p) revisions to requirements for tooled or soft cut joints;
q) recommended minimum work procedures have been moved from Annex D into the main body of the Standard;
r) Annexes A, D, and H have been revised; and
s) all references, including those for the annexes, have been updated where applicable.
This Standard has been adopted by the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes as the reference standard for parking structures in Section 4 of the National Building Code of Canada.
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