11-08-2009, 09:33 AM
Burj Dubai Structural System
The goal of the Burj Dubai Tower is not simply to be the world's highest building; it's to embody the world's highest aspirations. The height of the multi-use skyscraper will "comfortably" exceed the current record holder, the 509 meter tall Taipei 101. The 208,000 sq. meter reinforced concrete multi-use Burj Dubai tower is ultilized for retail, a Giorgio Armani Hotel, residential and office.
As with super-tall projects, difficult structural engineering problems needed to be addressed and resolved. The link provided presents the structural system of the famous "Burj dubai Tower" in dubai, U.A.E.
![[Image: tn26fkynmlhw88zniyz.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/tn26fkynmlhw88zniyz.jpg)
![[Image: 64sfwti4uwky42lhk4w5.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/64sfwti4uwky42lhk4w5.jpg)
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