01-08-2024, 08:13 AM
SP-359 2023: Best Practices and Lessons Learned for Teaching Concrete Materials and Reinforced Concrete
Author(s)/Editor(s): ACI Committee S802| Format: PDF| Quality: Scanner| Publisher: Symposium Paper| Year: 2023| pages: 189
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The manuscripts included herein introduce common learning theories and methods in engineering education that can be specifically applied to the topics of reinforced concrete and concrete materials. The papers focus on the application of these theories to specific concrete-related topics and suggest ways to implement these methods in university classrooms. The primary goal of this Special Publication is to provide pedagogical resources, ideas, and techniques that can be implemented by anyone that accepts the challenge of teaching reinforced concrete and concrete materials, from a new instructor to an experienced professor. To disseminate effective teaching methods among a global group of educators and learners, ACI Committee S802 organized two sessions entitled “Best Practices and Lessons Learned for Teaching Concrete Materials and Reinforced Concrete” at the Spring 2021 ACI Virtual Convention. The first session was focused on best practices teaching concrete materials and the second session was focused on best practices teaching introductory reinforced concrete. The manuscripts in this Special Publication are organized in the order in which they were presented at the ACI Convention. The co-editors, Dr. Benjamin Dymond and Dr. J. Chris Carroll, are grateful for the contributions from the Special Publication authors and sincerely value the time and effort of the authors in preparing the papers in this volume. Furthermore, the Special Publication would not have been possible without the effort expended by the experts who peer reviewed the papers in this volume.
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