02-02-2010, 06:57 AM
Non-linear structures: matrix methods of analysis and design by computers
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By K. I Majid
* Publisher: Butterworths
* Number Of Pages: 343
* Publication Date: 1972
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0408702516
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780408702515
* Binding: Unknown
The book is a treatment of nonlinear analysis and design of skeletal structures (frames and trusses). I lament the fact that it was not updated recently. However, the book starts by developing a matrix method for linear analysis of skeletal structures. Then proceeds to include the effects of buckling in the aforementioned method by introducing the concept of stability functions. Having completed this necessary machinery, it proceeds to developing methods of nonlinear analysis of such structures to include the general non-linear elastic analysis of frames, elastic instability effects, non-linear plastic analysis of frames, evaluation of failure loads of frames and then a thorough treatment of optimum design of structures using linear and non-linear programming methods.
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