03-09-2015, 12:33 AM
Overview of current South-African vertical circular Shaft Construction Practice
Author: A. B. Douglas - R. B. Pfutzenreuter | Size: 6 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Scanner | Publisher: Association of South African Mine Managers and Cementation Mining | Year: 1990 | pages: 41 | ISBN: n.a.
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This paper deals with trends in the South African underground mining industry and its demand for shafts.
The development of the modem subsidiary sinking industry and the depths and dimensions of shafts which are being predominantly constructed.
A description of all the phases and activities involved in the construction of a typical shaft follows.
Commencing with the construction of the collar and pre-sinking, the establishment of plant, equipment and gearing up of a project to the commencement of fast sinking operations.
The paper then deals with sinking routines, ie. lashing, blow over, drilling and blasting are detailed and comment is made on modem developments in mechanised drilling and watergel based explosives.
Note from uploader:
I've been working in recent years according to this same set of rules/recommendations under the so-called Mine Health & safety Act and, although constraining especially at the beginning of the any works, I found this way of doing productive and highly safe.
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