The Design of Steel Structure Under the Influence of Blast Loading
Author: MUhammad Rahal | Size: 6.2 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Scanner | Publisher: MUhammad Rahal | Year: 2004 | pages: 191
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Blast resistant design in the civil sector is a balancing act of risk assessment versus cost of protection. Modem steel buildings designed under the provisions of current codes and
practices, particularly those in urban environments, are incapable of maintaining structural integrity under the influence of random acts of terrorism. Protective measures should focus on minimizing the level of avoidable deaths during a blast, by ensuring that blast loadings do not contribute to structural failure that is remote from the applied load. In order to achieve a complete level of redundancy, it is necessary to relate local structural behavior to global structural behavior.
A typical 11-story office building has been designed for gravity and wind loads. The structure is subjected to three cases of blast loadings on vulnerable regions of the building complex. Elements are modeled using a single degree of freedom dynamic analysis, whereby they are subjected to failure criteria. Upgrades and reinforcement proposals reflect minimum provisions for the prevention of progressive collapse. It is determined that an additional 10.5% of steel for beams, 13% for columns, 22% for connections, and 8.2% for miscellaneous metal are required for upgrade of the steel frame.
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