Elements of Architecture: Assembling archaeology, atmosphere and the performance of building spaces
Author(s)/Editor(s): Mikkel Bille and Tim Flohr Sørensen | Size: 10 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Original preprint | Publisher: Routledge | Year: 2016 | pages: 465 | ISBN: 9781138775411
Author(s)/Editor(s): Mikkel Bille and Tim Flohr Sørensen | Size: 10 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Original preprint | Publisher: Routledge | Year: 2016 | pages: 465 | ISBN: 9781138775411
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Elements of Architecture explores new ways of engaging architecture in archaeology. It conceives of architecture both as the physical evidence of past societies and as existing beyond the physical environment. The book engages with the meeting point between these two perspectives, for although archaeologists must deal with the presence and absence of physicality as a discipline that studies humans through things, to understand humans they must also address the performances, as well as temporal and affective impacts, of these material remains. The contributions in this volume investigate the way time, performance and movement, both physically and emotionally, are central aspects of understanding architectural assemblages. It is a book about the constellations of people, places and things that emerge and dissolve as affective, mobile, performative and temporal engagements.
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