04-26-2016, 08:01 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-04-2019, 07:08 AM by lisine.
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Instrumentation Control And Automation For Wastewater Treatment Systems
Author(s)/Editor(s): J. F. Andrews ,R. Briggs ,S. H. Jenkins | Size: 9 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Pdf | Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd | pages: 566
Author(s)/Editor(s): J. F. Andrews ,R. Briggs ,S. H. Jenkins | Size: 9 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Pdf | Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd | pages: 566
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Application in the field of waste-water treatment has been slow mainly because of the difficulty of determining which parameters should be selected for process control and because the instantaneous determination of the ideal parameters is still only in the early stages of development.
This situation was realised during the IAWPR Workshop in Vienna in 1971 and the idea for a Workshop on Instrumentation, Control and Automation for Waste-water Treatment Systems was born there.
The Development Division has the following special aims within the general role of DGWE:
(a ) to identify areas in which research and development in the water engineering field are most urgently required;
(b ) to prepare, initiate and where appropriate, manage a government programme of development in this field and to co-ordinate that programme with work being carried out elsewhere;
(c ) to promulgate the results and fill gaps in existing knowledge;
(d ) to sponsor and manage large-scale development projects with national and international implications;
(e ) to liaise between pure researchers and field practitioners, serving as a catalyst and to process and present the
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