12-16-2010, 04:05 AM
Manufactured Sand. National Test Methods and Specification Values
Size: 2.47 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia | Year: 2007 | pages: 84
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The reduced availability of natural sands, particularly along the east coast of Australia, and the need to better utilise sand-size material generated in the aggregate crushing process, has combined to encourage the development of 'Manufactured Sand'. This quarry product has been defined by the quarrying industry as:
"A purpose-made crushed fine aggregate produced from a suitable source material and designed for use in concrete or other specific products. Only source materials with suitable strength, durability and shape characteristics should be considered. Production generally involves crushing, screening and possibly washing. Separation into discrete fractions, recombining and blending may be necessary."
Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia (CCAA) funded a research project to investigate and to develop and recommend test methods and specification limits for manufactured sand. This report summarises the work undertaken between November 2004 and July 2006 and covers the following:
- a description of the test and a discussion of its relevance to manufactured sands;
- an analysis of the specific test results from this programme and the relationship of the results to current standard specifications limits (if known) for the method;
- a discussion as to whether the test method should stand alone or be reported and reviewed in conjunction with the results from other test methods;
- a discussion and recommendation as to whether the test method should be a Quality Control measure only (ie mainly useful for monitoring the variability of a single source) or whether it should be used for setting specification limits;
- recommendations regarding specification and/or variability limits.
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