01-27-2016, 07:39 AM
Plumbing Design Manual -2014
Size: 1.5 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Original preprint | Year: Nov. 2014 | pages: 96
Size: 1.5 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Original preprint | Year: Nov. 2014 | pages: 96
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This manual is a directive for Architecture and Engineering design professionals (hereafter referred to as A/E or designer) for the planning and design of the drainage, waste, vent, water distribution, storm drainage, natural gas and fuel gas, medical gas, medical vacuum, and specialty systems at Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities. VA facilities have a wide range of occupants including patients, employees, volunteers, and visitors. An important mission of VA is to provide healthcare to Veterans who, in some cases, have severe disabilities, including sight, hearing, and mobility. The A/E must always keep the interest of the sick and/or disabled Veteran in mind when making decisions in locations where design choices affect Veterans.
This design manual shall be utilized for all VA projects, including major, minor, and NRM projects. It is expected that systems designed shall meet their primary intent of providing a sanitary, safe, reliable, and sustainable facility. In order to provide the latitude needed to accommodate new technologies, methods and materials, and/or pre-existing field conditions, technical deviations from the stipulations of this manual may be made only if a safe, reliable, and sustainable design shall result. Such deviations must be approved by VA Authorities. Unless otherwise directed by VA, the Authority Having Jurisdiction is the VA Project Manager and/or the local VA Medical Center. Deviations that are not permitted are requirements included in public laws, federal regulations, Executive Orders, and all applicable codes. Deviations from Section 4.5 Legionella Mitigation in VA Facilities, should be approved by the Facility Water Safety Committee. This manual is intended for use by the A/E and others engaged in the design and renovation of VA facilities
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