12-30-2015, 08:54 PM
The New Brazilian Standard for Seismic Design
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- Author(s): Sergio Hampshire C. Santos and Silvio de Souza Lima
- Published By: The 14 th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering.
- Published Year: 2008
- Size: 0,37 MB
- Quality: Original preprint
- Abstract: The Brazilian territory presents low seismicity, typical of a tectonic intra-plates region. However, at least two Brazilian regions have non-negligible seismicity: part of the Northeast Region, due to its proximity to the South Atlantic Ridge and the Brazilian Occidental Amazon, due to its proximity to the Pacific Plate border. Due this low seismicity, up to 2006 Brazil was practically the only South-American country without a seismic standard. Considering the already gathered seismological information and the theoretical studies recently performed, it has been progressively recognized that seismic effects cannot be disregarded in the structural design in Brazil. Then, in 2006, the new Brazilian Standard for the Design of Seismic Resistant Structures was concluded and issued. The seismological data, the considered probabilistic methodology and the probabilistic studies developed for defining the nominal values of horizontal accelerations in the several Brazilian regions are presented. Some aspects established in the Standard for the design of building structures are also commented.
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