02-24-2011, 01:28 PM
Guide to Residential Floors
Size: 1.01 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia | Year: 2003 | pages: 47 | ISBN: 1877023078
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This Guide describes and illustrates the various types of concrete slab-on-ground floor systems and suspended floors suitable for residential buildings ranging from single, detached houses to medium density buildings of apartments and flats. For slab-on-ground floors it provides an understanding of the footing/slab selection, design, detailing and construction requirements contained in AS 2870 and the Housing Provisions of the BCA. The requirements of AS 3660.14 are also covered. For suspended floors it covers both upper floors and those at ground level where a slab-on-ground may not be suitable. Forms of construction include insitu concrete (using either temporary or permanent formwork) and precast concrete (normal-weight and lightweight). It provides an understanding of the design approach, span-load charts to enable a selection of appropriate floor types, and design details and identifies various manufacturers/suppliers where appropriate. The Guide provides general information giving an appreciation of the relevant issues and Standards to be considered when planning and designing concrete floors. Alternative reinforced concrete floor systems and general site issues (eg slope, drainage) are discussed to assist in selecting the most practical footing/floor for a particular site. The information provides the basis for the selection by the designer; architect, engineer or building consultant of an appropriate floor system for a particular project. The Guide will in no way replace the services of professional consultants. For information on site supervision and recommended work practice for reinforced concrete floor construction readers are referred to The Housing Concrete Handbook 5.
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