10-18-2009, 08:47 PM
Materials for Engineering
![[Image: pbkrm3ntrqaukxbyzqss.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/pbkrm3ntrqaukxbyzqss.jpg)
Author: John Wilson Martin
Edition: 3, illustrated
Publisher: Woodhead Pub., 2006
ISBN: 0849387809, 9780849387807
Length: 252 pages
Pdf: 3 Mb
This third edition of what has become a modern classic presents a lively overview of materials science that is ideal for students of structural engineering. It contains chapters on the structure of engineering materials, the determination of mechanical properties, metals and alloys, glasses and ceramics, organic polymeric materials and composite materials. It contains a section with thought-provoking questions as well as a series of useful appendices. Tabulated data in the body of the text, and the appendices, have been selected to increase the value of Materials for Engineering as a permanent source of reference to readers throughout their professional lives. The Second edition was awarded Choice's Outstanding Academic Title award in 2003. This third edition includes new information on emerging topics and updated reading lists.
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