The Technical Standards and Commentaries for Port and Harbor Facilities in Japan
Author: Y. Goda, T. Tabata and S. Yamamoto Ed. | Size: 14.83 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: The Overseas Coastal Area Development Institute of Japan - OCDI | Year: 2002 | pages: 664
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This book is a translation of the major portion of the Technical Standards and Commentaries of Port
and Harbour Facilities in Japan (1999 edition) published by the Japan Port and Harbour Association,
stipulated by the Ordinance of the Minister of Transport, which was issued in April 1999. The translation
covers about two thirds of the Japanese edition.
After 220 years of isolation from the world civilization from the 17th to 19th centuries, Japan began to
modernize its society and civilization rapidly after the Meiji revolution in 1868. Modern technology of port
and harbor engineering has been introduced by distinguished engineers from abroad and learned by many
ambitious and capable young engineers in Japan. Ports of Yokohama, Kobe, and others began to
accommodate large ocean-going vessels in the late 19th century as the Japanese economy had shown a
rapid growth.
The Technical Standards and Commentaries for Port and Harbor Facilities in Japan have been revised
in 1988 and 1999, each time incorporating new technological developments. The present English
translation endeavors to introduce the newest edition of 1999 to the port and harbor engineers overseas. It
is a direct translation of essential parts of Japanese edition. Many phrases and expressions reflect the
customary, regulatory writings in Japanese, which are often awkward in English. Some sentences after
translation may not be fluent enough and give troubles for decipher. The editors in charge of translation
request the readers for patience and generosity in their efforts for understanding Japanese technology in
port and harbor engineering.
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