05-09-2014, 10:44 AM
Numerical seismic vulnerability analysis of mid-height steel buildings in Bogotá, Colombia
Author: F. López-Almansa (corresponding author), M.A. Montaña | Size: 1.6 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | pages: 35
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A number of mid-height steel buildings have been erected recently in Bogotá. Their seismic risk might be high, given the present microzonation of Bogotá and the lack of comprehensive
previous studies; noticeably, the response reduction factors were commonly obtained only from general recommendations. The objective of this work is to investigate the seismic performance of these buildings. This study is carried out on eighteen representative prototype buildings. All these edifices have plan symmetry and are uniform along their height. The eighteen considered prototype buildings are generated by combining the values of three parameters: span-length (6 and 8 m), number of floors (5, 10 and 15) and earthquake-resistant systems (moment-resistant frames, concentrically-braced frames and eccentrically-braced frames -using chevron braces-). The structures of each of these eighteen prototype buildings
have been designed according to the former and to the current Colombian seismic design codes; in the former code two seismic zones are considered and in the current code such zones are coarsely subdivided in three and in five zones, respectively.
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