10-25-2009, 09:23 PM
Terms and Features:
Forum - The forum is the whole installation, and usually contains multiple boards.
Board - A board contains topics, which in turn contain the posts. Boards can be private, so they are only visible to admins, moderators and members. Boards can be read-only, so they only allow posts by admins. Users can subscribe to a board, which means they will get all new posts in that board in one daily email.
Topic/Thread - A topic, otherwise known as thread, contains all the posts on a specific subtopic, that should be named in the topic's subject. Boards have an expiration value that determines after how many days its topics will expire after their last post has been made. An important topic can be set to "protected", so that it never expires. Admins and moderators can lock a topic, so that no new posts can be made to it.
- Normal Thread
- Important Thread
Post - A post is a single public message by a user. It can be either a first post, which starts a new topic, or a reply to an existing topic. Posts can be edited and deleted after posting.
presence of new posts can be identified as follows.
![[Image: okf4b3p93jp4hdh8tz2d.bmp]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/okf4b3p93jp4hdh8tz2d.bmp)
User - A user is anyone who registers an account in the forum. Everyone needs to register to write in the forum, anonymous posting is not possible. However, there is no need for an account just for reading. Users can be granted membership status to selected boards, enabling them to see and post in private boards.
In our forum User Categories are Newbies, Junior Members, Members, VIP users.
Forum Administrator - A forum admin can control and edit everything in the forum. A forum can have multiple forum admins.
Board Moderator - A board moderator's powers are limited to the boards he is admin of. A board moderators can edit, delete posts by normal users, mark topics as protected or locked, and delete topics. A board can have multiple moderators.
Users, Moderators, And Admin Can be easily identified by their legends in our forum.
![[Image: h7o9a6we4mwea20nvmw.bmp]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/h7o9a6we4mwea20nvmw.bmp)
Markup Tags and Smileys:
Markup Tags:
Generally used markup tags are shown here.
(Note: these are the most common markup tags used in all the forums. They can be disabled by forum Admin/Moderators for security reason. so, some of them are not working for our forum.)
![[Image: ch2ovhkkz6bo6dywxqw1.bmp]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/ch2ovhkkz6bo6dywxqw1.bmp)
Smileys (or Smilies, Graemlins, Emotions) are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. Let's face it, sometimes words alone do not suffice. Adding a winking smilie, for instance, may help you clarify that you are joking. Use your smilies sparingly, though-- if overused, smilies can be downright annoying. The following emoticons are displayed as images:
![[Image: rqcupbif4qtpt2nisr4p.bmp]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/rqcupbif4qtpt2nisr4p.bmp)
Note: Some of the points I have posted here to guide newbies. All of the forum user are requested to post the thing which can be useful to newbies.
Forum - The forum is the whole installation, and usually contains multiple boards.
Board - A board contains topics, which in turn contain the posts. Boards can be private, so they are only visible to admins, moderators and members. Boards can be read-only, so they only allow posts by admins. Users can subscribe to a board, which means they will get all new posts in that board in one daily email.
Topic/Thread - A topic, otherwise known as thread, contains all the posts on a specific subtopic, that should be named in the topic's subject. Boards have an expiration value that determines after how many days its topics will expire after their last post has been made. An important topic can be set to "protected", so that it never expires. Admins and moderators can lock a topic, so that no new posts can be made to it.
- Normal Thread
- Important Thread
Post - A post is a single public message by a user. It can be either a first post, which starts a new topic, or a reply to an existing topic. Posts can be edited and deleted after posting.
presence of new posts can be identified as follows.
![[Image: okf4b3p93jp4hdh8tz2d.bmp]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/okf4b3p93jp4hdh8tz2d.bmp)
User - A user is anyone who registers an account in the forum. Everyone needs to register to write in the forum, anonymous posting is not possible. However, there is no need for an account just for reading. Users can be granted membership status to selected boards, enabling them to see and post in private boards.
In our forum User Categories are Newbies, Junior Members, Members, VIP users.
Forum Administrator - A forum admin can control and edit everything in the forum. A forum can have multiple forum admins.
Board Moderator - A board moderator's powers are limited to the boards he is admin of. A board moderators can edit, delete posts by normal users, mark topics as protected or locked, and delete topics. A board can have multiple moderators.
Users, Moderators, And Admin Can be easily identified by their legends in our forum.
![[Image: h7o9a6we4mwea20nvmw.bmp]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/h7o9a6we4mwea20nvmw.bmp)
Markup Tags and Smileys:
Markup Tags:
Generally used markup tags are shown here.
(Note: these are the most common markup tags used in all the forums. They can be disabled by forum Admin/Moderators for security reason. so, some of them are not working for our forum.)
![[Image: ch2ovhkkz6bo6dywxqw1.bmp]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/ch2ovhkkz6bo6dywxqw1.bmp)
Smileys (or Smilies, Graemlins, Emotions) are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. Let's face it, sometimes words alone do not suffice. Adding a winking smilie, for instance, may help you clarify that you are joking. Use your smilies sparingly, though-- if overused, smilies can be downright annoying. The following emoticons are displayed as images:
![[Image: rqcupbif4qtpt2nisr4p.bmp]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/rqcupbif4qtpt2nisr4p.bmp)
Note: Some of the points I have posted here to guide newbies. All of the forum user are requested to post the thing which can be useful to newbies.