Managing Common Pool Groundwater Resources: An International Perspective
Mary Brentwood, Stephen F. Robar - Managing Common Pool Groundwater Resources: An International Perspective
Publisher: Praeger Publishers | 2004-03-30 | ISBN: 0275957373 | PDF | 360 pages | 2.42 MB
Woldwide, developed and developing countries increasingly depend on groundwater resources for domestic water supply. Since groundwater is a hidden resource and individuals cannot see how much has been used and what is left, this book attempts to make global groundwater use more visible so that policy makers can make informed decisions as to its management. Organized into six geographical regions, the authors describe the various physical, cultural and institutional challenges of groundwater policy and management faced by countries worldwide. Analysis of the challenges and responses to groundwater management at the national level hopes to generate a broader understanding for societies across the globe.
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