11-20-2013, 02:20 PM
Author: A. Kiran1 , G. Ghosh2 and Y. K.Gupta3 | Size: 0.2 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | Publisher: ISET GOLDEN JUBILEE SYMPOSIUM Indian Society of Earthquake Technology Department of Earthquake Engineering Building IIT Roorkee, | Year: Roorkee October 20-21, 2012 | pages: 6
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To have a reliable estimate of the performance of a structure, sophisticated analytical tools are necessary. Nonlinear
dynamic analysis is the most accurate method available for the analysis of structures subjected to earthquake excitation. Nonlinear static (Pushover) Analysis is also an attractive choice because of its simplicity and ability to identify component and system-level deformation demands with accuracy comparable to dynamic analysis. Many methods have evolved, over the years, for pushover analysis of structures. People have a lot of doubt about which one of those will be the most preferred pushover method for the analysis of structures. To fulfill that objective, in the
present study, a comparison has been made between the results of the pushover analysis with the dynamic timehistory
analysis, with a view to find out the most preferred pushover method. The existing pushover analysis methods as per the literatures and codes have been considered in the study. For the analysis purpose, two types of building structures have been considered. It has been observed that in most of the cases, pushover analysis results are conservative as compared to the time history results. It has been observed that in most of the cases ELM method of FEMA 440 gives good result in comprasion to time history analysis.
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