09-06-2013, 10:37 AM
Coupled Soil-Structure Interaction Effects of Building Clusters During Earthquakes
Author: Yigit Isbiliroglu, Ricardo Taborda, and Jacobo Bielaka | Size: 4 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | Year: 2013 | pages: 50
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This paper deals with the response of building clusters during earthquakes,
their effect on the ground motion, and how individual buildings interact with the
soil and with each other. We simulate the ground motion during the 1994
Northridge earthquake and focus on the coupled response of multiple simplified
building models located within the San Fernando Valley. Numerical results show
that the soil-structure interaction (SSI) effects vary with the number and dynamic
properties of the buildings, their separation, and the impedance with respect to the
soil. These effects appear as: (i) an increased spatial variability of the ground
motion; and (ii) significant reductions in the buildings' base motion at high
frequencies, changes in the higher natural frequencies of the building-foundation
systems and variations in the average roof drift, with respect to those of the
corresponding rigid-base and isolated SSI models.
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