10-12-2009, 04:57 AM
Canadian Architecture and Design - September/October 2009
Canadian Architecture and Design - September/October 2009
PDF | 117 pages | 32 Mb | English
Embracing the concepts of aesthetics and functionality, this bi-monthly publication explores the art, science, and evolution of the visual form which includes upscale residences and vacation homes. Articles by experienced periodical writers address how these buildings influence their surroundings, and the people who live in and frequent them. Each issue will feature a minimum of four upscale homes from across Canada, as well as articles ranging from, but not limited to, Antiques, Culture, Fine Furniture, Kitchen/Bath and Travel Destinations.
![[Image: z83gl64dvx3qs3sop6xq.jpeg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/z83gl64dvx3qs3sop6xq.jpeg)
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