Computational Fluid Dynamics: A Practical Approach
![[Image: 12216939674365499727.jpg]](
Computational Fluid Dynamics: A Practical Approach
Publisher: Butterworth
472 pages
October 1, 2007
ISBN: 0750685638
A senior level undergraduate and graduate textbook for a wide audience of engineering students taking a first course in CFD or Computer Aided Engineering. Fully course matched, with the most extensive and rigorous pedagogy and features of any book in the field. The first book in the field aimed at CFD users rather than developers.
· The only course text available that is specifically designed to give an applications lead, software oriented approach to understanding and using CFD. This is coupled with a complete grounding in the necessary mathematical principles of CFD.
· Unlike existing books this has not been written with the needs of advanced students who are expected to develop their own CFD code in mind. The widespread availability of commercial software enables this book to meet the needs of beginner CFD students who use commercial software.
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