03-30-2013, 02:47 PM
Soft Story Risk Reduction: Lessons from the Berkeley Data
A Special Projects and Initiatives report to Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
A Special Projects and Initiatives report to Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
Author: David Bonowitz & Sharyl Rabinovici | Size: 3.19 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Original preprint | Publisher: EERI | Year: January 2013 | pages: 91 | ISBN: 978-1-932884-58-6
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Soft Story Risk Reduction: Lessons from the Berkeley Data
A Special Projects and Initiatives report to Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
Executive Summary:
In 2005, the city of Berkeley, California began a mitigation program to address earthquake risks posed by certain residential buildings. The program required seismic evaluationsof several hundred multi-unit woodframe buildings using specific engineering criteria.
The targeted buildings had been pre-selected as “soft story” buildings based largely on their appearance. This report describes a study of the program’s technical findings, asking this question: How well do visible indicators of soft story deficiencies predict the
results of detailed evaluations of those same suspect buildings?
In particular, the study hoped to derive a screening tool based on readily observable conditions. Such a tool would facilitate mitigation programs for so called SWOF (soft, weak, or open front) buildings in other jurisdictions.
But we found that no such tool exists, in part because the reported Berkeley data was too inconsistent to support statistical correlations, and in part because the traditional engineering metric, the weak story ratio (WSR), is inherently flawed as a performance predictor. So while the initial goal could not be achieved, the study did make a number of useful findings that offer lessons to engineers and mitigation planners.
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