Nonlinear Structural Analysis For Seismic Design: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
Author: Deierlein, Gregory G., Reinhorn, Andrei M., and Willford, Michael R. | Size: 1.273 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: NIST | Year: 2010 | pages: 36 | ISBN: none
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While buildings are usually designed for seismic resistance using elastic analysis, most will experience significant inelastic deformations under large earthquakes. Modern performance-based design methods require ways to determine the realistic behavior of structures under such conditions. Enabled by advancements in computing technologies and available test data, nonlinear analyses provide the means for calculating structural response beyond the elastic range, including strength and stiffness deterioration associated with inelastic material behavior and large displacements. As such, nonlinear analysis can play an important role in the design of new and existing buildings.
Nonlinear analyses involve significantly more effort to perform and should be approached with specific objectives in mind. Typical instances where nonlinear analysis is applied in structural earthquake engineering practice are to: (1) assess and design seismic retrofit solutions for existing buildings; (2) design new buildings that employ structural materials, systems, or other features that do not conform to current building code requirements; (3) assess the performance of buildings for specific owner/stakeholder requirements (Figure 1-1). If the intent of using a nonlinear analysis is to justify a design that would not satisfy the prescriptive building code requirements, it is essential to develop the basis for acceptance with the building code authority at the outset of a project. The design basis should be clearly defined and agreed upon, outlining in specific terms all significant performance levels (Sidebar 1) and how they will be evaluated.
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