10-27-2012, 03:02 PM
Deep Soil Mixing Technology for Mitigation of Pavement Roughness
Author: Puppala, Anand J | Size: 8.74 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Original preprint | Publisher: University of Texas, Arlington | Year: 2008 | pages: 342
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Bridge abutments are designed to provide resistance to deformation and earthquake-induced inertial forces from the bridge superstructure. The passive earth pressure of the abutments' structure backfill is an integral part of the force-resistance mechanism of bridge abutments in the longitudinal direction. Current design practices by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) do not take into account the structure backfill properties of bridge abutments. This report describes an experimental and analytical research program that investigated the role that soil properties, abutment geometry, and structure backfill have on the ultimate capacity and stiffness of bridge abutments. Specifically, it examined the effects of structure backfill properties, area of structure backfill, backfill height, and vertical wall movement. In addition, the report evaluates the current design procedures by Caltrans, and also proposes an improved soil spring model for predicting the stiffness and capacity of bridge abutments in longitudinal direction for cases where post-peak softening behavior is important in system modeling efforts.
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