10-27-2012, 02:17 PM
Seismic Design of Pipe-Pin Connections in Concrete Bridges
Author: Zaghi, Arash E University of Nevada Saiidi, M Saiid University of Nevada, Reno | Size: 56.97 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | Publisher: University of Nevada | Year: 2010 | pages: 583
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Telescopic pipe-pin two-way hinges are used in concrete bridges to eliminate moments while transferring shear and axial loads from integral bridge bent caps to reinforced concrete columns. The hinges consist of a steel pipe that is anchored in column with a protruded segment that extends into the bent cap. In the absence of experimental and analytical studies, design of pipe-pin hinges has been based on pure shear capacity of the steel pipe. The primary objective of this research was to investigate the seismic performance of the current detail of pipe-pin hinges and propose necessary modifications, and to develop a reliable design method for pipe-pin hinges that reflects their actual behavior. Comprehensive experimental and analytical studies of pipe-pin connections and their components including a shake table study of a two-column pier mode were conducted.
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