10-27-2012, 02:10 PM
Experimental Evaluation of P-Y Curves Considering Liquefaction Development
Author: Chang, Barbara University of California, San Diego Hutchinson, Tara C University of California, San Diego | Size: 10.08 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | Publisher: University of California, San Diego | Year: 2010 | pages: 98
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This report presents details and findings of a test series conducted on a single pile embedded in homogeneous saturated Nevada sand, which was subjected to sequential dynamic shaking and lateral (inertial-equivalent) loading. This report documents the model test design and construction, details regarding the loading protocol, test observations and post test results. A key goal in the test program was to develop a data set capable of rendering insight into the characteristics of ’p-y’ resistance under developing liquefied soil conditions. While evidence in the literature indicates that this resistance is reduced as excess pore pressure increases, the shape and amplitude of how the reduced p-y curve develops during pore pressure build-up are needed for reliable design of pile foundations in areas prone to earthquake-induced soil liquefaction. Analyses of the experimental data show that mobilization of the partially liquefied soil was achieved during lateral loading. Additional data were evaluated including wave test measurements (hammer strikes to model), settlement, and acceleration measurements. Results presented focus importantly on the static p-y curves backcalculated from the bending moment distributions at the achieved excess pore pressures. A rich set of test data was produced from this testing series, which will be useful for model validation and subsequent design efforts.
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