EB 220 Life Cycle Cost Analysis A Guide for Comparing Alternate Pavement Designs
Author: Steven M Waalkes | Size: 1 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Original preprint | Publisher: Portland Cement Association | pages: 56
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Life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) is an economic procedure used to compare competing design alternates, over the lives of each alternate, considering all significant costs and benefits, expressed in equivalent dollars.
It is important to understand that LCCA is an economic tool that determines which alternate has the best value and not an engineering tool that determines how long an alternate will last or how well it will perform. This does not mean that engineering is not an important element of the life cycle cost analysis. Proper engineering must be used to ensure that each rival alternate meets the design criteria and provides similar results. If the alternates do not provide similar performance, then an economic assessment using LCCA to compare them is not realistic or reliable.
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