Lighting by Design
Author: Christopher Cuttle | Size: 3.67 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: Architectural Press | Year: May 21, 2003 | pages: 224 | ISBN: 075065130X
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Editorial Reviews
"A breath taking tour de force. It knits together seamlessly the perceptual underpinning of lighting design and the nuts and bolts of lighting specification."
The International Journal of Lighting Research and Technology
"One can only urge practitioners and academics to read it, to be inspired by it, to quarrel with it, to transcend it if they can. In that spirit I offer my wish list for the next edition."
John A. Lynes, Lighting Research and Technology
"Anyone looking for a practical guide to architectural lighting will do well to purchase a copy of this book...A good guide to understanding the interaction of light with our surroundings."
Lighting & Sound Magazine
"This is an extremely interesting book, written in a pleasing style. It develops some very useful approaches to the various elements of lighting design... This book brings together the material that relates to the new approach to lighting design which has been developed over the past few decades and which is enthusiastically promoted by some designers. It makes an outstanding contribution to the subject."
Robert Bean, author of Lighting Engineering
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